Audi S6 Spark Plugs Replacement cost

Check out the ClickMechanic price for an Audi S6 Spark plugs replacement in the UK.

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These estimates include Spark plug

1-11 of 11 results for Audi S6, Spark Plugs Replacement in the UK

Name Independent garage estimate Franchise dealer estimate

Audi S6 5.2 2010

Part brands: Audi, Denso

Parts costs: £124 - £183

Labour time: 1-2 hours

£195 - £223 £331 - £365 Get exact price

Audi S6 5.2 2009

Part brands: Audi, Denso

Parts costs: £127 - £187

Labour time: 1-2 hours

£198 - £227 £334 - £369 Get exact price

Audi S6 5.2 2008

Part brands: Audi, Denso

Parts costs: £123 - £181

Labour time: 1-2 hours

£194 - £222 £330 - £363 Get exact price

Audi S6 5.2 2007

Part brands: Audi, Denso

Parts costs: £127 - £187

Labour time: 1-2 hours

£198 - £227 £335 - £370 Get exact price

Audi S6 5.2 2006

Part brands: Audi, Denso

Parts costs: £126 - £185

Labour time: 1-2 hours

£197 - £225 £333 - £367 Get exact price

Audi S6 5.2 2005

Part brands: Audi, Denso

Parts costs: £120 - £177

Labour time: 1-2 hours

£191 - £219 £326 - £359 Get exact price

Audi S6 4.2 2004

Part brands: Audi, BERU, Bosch, Denso, Denso TTN, NGK

Parts costs: £36 - £134

Labour time: 1-2 hours

£107 - £183 £225 - £316 Get exact price

Audi S6 4.2 2003

Part brands: Audi, BERU, Bosch, Denso, Denso TTN, NGK

Parts costs: £36 - £133

Labour time: 1-2 hours

£106 - £181 £225 - £315 Get exact price

Audi S6 4.2 2002

Part brands: Audi, BERU, Bosch, Denso, Denso TTN, NGK

Parts costs: £34 - £128

Labour time: 1-2 hours

£105 - £177 £223 - £310 Get exact price

Audi S6 4.2 2001

Part brands: Audi, BERU, Bosch, Denso, Denso TTN, NGK

Parts costs: £35 - £129

Labour time: 1-2 hours

£105 - £178 £224 - £311 Get exact price

Audi S6 4.2 2000

Part brands: Audi, BERU, Bosch, Denso, Denso TTN, NGK

Parts costs: £35 - £130

Labour time: 1-2 hours

£106 - £179 £224 - £312 Get exact price

Prices could not be created for 3 models. Show ∨

  • Audi S6 4.0 2014
  • Audi S6 4.0 2013
  • Audi S6 4.0 2012

Estimates on repair costs, such as the above results for a spark plugs replacement, are created by combining data from multiple third-party sources. The actual cost of using your local repair providers may be outside of the estimated range. We provide estimates on repair costs for information only and accept no liability for any inaccuracies or errors. If you think an estimate is incorrect, please contact us to let us know.

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