How can we help?
How long does it take before my booking is confirmed?
ClickMechanic is an online marketplace platform which means all the mechanics on our network are independent. This means they are not employed by us, they trade under their own names and manage their own work schedules, ultimately deciding which jobs to accept or decline themselves.
It’s our goal to get every booking request picked up by a mechanic as soon as possible but as mentioned above, we can’t guarantee this.
Once an independent mechanic has accepted your booking, you’ll receive an email confirming the date and time-frame of the visit alongside the mechanic’s details. You can also view all of this information via your dashboard .
Feel free to reach out to your mechanic via a message from your dashboard or by calling or texting using the mechanic’s number which you will find in the email.
Your mechanic will start to source parts if necessary and they’ll be on their way to you at the designated place and time to carry out the work you booked-in for.