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Engine services we offer

Engine Oil change

During an engine oil change, the old engine oil will be completely drained and the mechanic will then refill the engine with the correct grade and quantity of quality oil. The filter is an important part of the engine as it helps keep the oil clean and free of contaminants which can damage the engine. The oil filter is always changed during an engine oil change.

Car Engine replacement & rebuild

Car engine replacement and rebuild involves either entirely replacing the old engine with a new or reconditioned one or more commonly replacing parts of the engine. This process includes inspecting, cleaning, and replacing worn-out parts like pistons, rings, bearings, and gaskets.

Head Gasket repair

The head gasket on an engine provides the seal between the engine block and the cylinder head to maintain compression and prevent the engine oil from mixing with the coolant. During a head gasket replacement, the mechanic will inspect the gasket for the fault before disassembling all the components to access and replace the head gasket.

Valve Cover Gasket replacement

A valve cover gasket replacement involves the removal and replacement of the part that seals the valve cover to the cylinder head. Once properly fitted, the valve cover gasket will ensure there are no oil leaks.

Cambelt change

Cam belt or timing belt change involves the removal and replacement of the belt and tensioner (or chain in some cases) that synchronises the rotation of the engine's camshaft and crankshaft. Over time, due to the stress and tension on the belt, it can develop cracks and will need to be replaced. If the belt snaps there is a high chance of internal engine damage

Crankshaft Pulley replacement

A crankshaft pulley is attached to the front of the shaft and distributes power from the crankshaft to other parts such as the alternator. In a crankshaft pulley replacement, this component is removed and replaced with a new crankshaft pulley.

Crankshaft repair

During a cranklshaft repair, the crankshaft oil seal, which prevents oil leaks, is typically replaced, and the crankshaft position (CKP) sensor, which monitors the crankshaft’s position and speed, may also be replaced. Proper crankshaft repair ensures engine balance, prevents vibrations, and maintains overall engine performance and efficiency.

Drive Belt replacement

The drive belt, also known as serpentine, auxiliary or fan belt, is the main belt of the engine that powers the alternator, power steering pump, air conditioning compressor, and water pump. During a drive belt replacement, the belt and associated components are inspected for damage and replaced with a new belt and applying the appropriate tension.

Engine Mount replacement

An engine mount is the connection link from the engine to the vehicle’s chassis or body shell. During an engine mount replacement, the mechanic will inspect the chassis and the mounting points for damage and replace as needed.

Oil Filter change

During an oil filter change, the old filter is removed, and a new one is installed. This is usually performed during an engine oil change to ensure both the oil and filter are clean and functioning correctly. Regular oil filter changes help maintain engine efficiency, prevent wear and tear, and extend the engine's lifespan.

Oil Sump Gasket replacement

During an oil sump gasket replacement, the seal between the bottom of the engine block and sump pan is inspected along with the sump pan before a new sump gasket is fitted by a mechanic.

Rocker Cover Gasket replacement

A rocker cover gasket replacement involves the removal and replacement of the cover on top of the engine that covers the camshafts and rocker arms in the engine's cylinder head.

Camshaft Position Sensor replacement

During a camshaft position sensor replacement, the sensor that is responsible for monitoring the position and rotational speed of the camshaft is replaced with a new sensor.

Oil Sump repair

During an oil sump repair, the sump pan is inspected for damage and replaced with a new one. The engine oil sump is the collection point for the oil being returned from around the engine, so it can be pumped back around again.

Some of the Car Engine jobs we offer

  • Alternator belt check & adjust
  • Alternator belt idler/guide pulley replacement
  • Alternator belt replacement
  • Alternator belt tensioner replacement
  • Auxiliary drive belt check & adjust
  • Auxiliary drive belt idler/guide pulley replacement
  • Auxiliary drive belt replacement
  • Auxiliary drive belt tensioner replacement
  • Camshaft position (CMP) sensor replacement
  • Check & adjust Valve clearances
  • Check Engine oil pressure
  • Cooling system pressure test (leak detection)
  • Crankcase filler/breather replacement
  • Crankshaft (CKP) position sensor replacement
  • Crankshaft oil seal replacement - front
  • Crankshaft oil seal replacement - rear
  • Crankshaft pulley replacement
  • Cylinder head gasket replacement
  • Cylinder head gasket replacement (both)
  • Engine compression test
  • Engine mount replacement - left (of engine bay)
  • Engine mount replacement - right (of engine bay)
  • Engine oil & filter replacement
  • Fan belt idler/guide pulley replacement
  • Fan belt replacement
  • Fan belt tension check & adjust
  • Fan belt tensioner replacement
  • Noise Under Bonnet Inspection
  • Oil filter housing replacement
  • Oil pump replacement
  • Oil sump/pan gasket replacement
  • Oil sump/pan replacement
  • Power steering belt check & adjust
  • Power steering belt idler/guide pulley replacement
  • Power steering belt replacement
  • Power steering belt tensioner replacement
  • Reduced Engine Power Inspection
  • Rocker cover gasket replacement
  • Timing belt replacement
  • Timing belt/chain replacement
  • Timing chain replacement
  • Valve stem oil seals replacement (all)

How much does a Car Engine inspection, repair & maintenance cost?

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Estimates on average repair costs, such as the above results for a car engine inspection, repair & maintenance, are based on ClickMechanic's quote data which combines multiple third-party sources. Actual costs may vary. We provide estimates on average repair costs for information only and accept no liability for any inaccuracies or errors. If you think an estimate is incorrect, please contact us to let us know.

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