Book a Car Service in Northampton

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Top Mechanics For Car Services in Northampton

409 Reviews

Mobile mechanic serving Northampton, 28 years of experience

I started work with Ford dealership then moving to various dealers Vauxhall was my favourite. Once I qualified I went to work with the aa really enjoyed that job as it tested my knowledge and skill set. Move...

151 Reviews

Mobile mechanic serving Northampton, 16 years of experience

Been working in garages for 16 years. The last year been doing mobile mechanics. I love taking on new challenges and getting stuck in. I offer a wide range of repairs including diagnostics, servicing, brake...

284 Reviews

Garage serving Northampton, 7 years of experience

Clutch,diagnostic,brakes,servicing,timing belt and chain,all mechanical jobs,mot’s

385 Reviews

Garage serving Northampton, 25 years of experience

We are a small family run business and understand how important it is for you to have a safe vehicle for you to travel to work, school and for personal reasons. We can come to you at home or work at a time ...

81 Reviews

Garage serving Northampton, 20 years of experience

We aim to provide the best possible service to all our customers. Treat your vehicle with care and respect Ensure your vehicle is inspected by a trained and qualified member of staff Examine the vehicle a...

159 Reviews

Mobile mechanic serving Northampton, 32 years of experience

Worked at at Bmw and Ford Specialist on Fords and BMW Diagnostics Specialist Worked at Met Police Workshop Worked along side London Ambulance Service supporting vehicle maintenance during lockdown F...

51 Reviews

Garage serving Northampton, 5 years of experience

Jaguar Land Rover Engineering Mercedes-Benz BMW Classic Restoration

307 Reviews

Mobile mechanic serving Northampton, 10 years of experience

Hi I’m Michal. I've been doing cars for about 10 years specifically for Vehicle Mechanical, Electrical and Trim (MET) Technician last 2.5 years. Had lots of training in recent VW group technology so that’...

29 Reviews

Garage serving Northampton, 11 years of experience

I have experience working in Independent Garages, aswell as main dealer groups, I have experience with all makes & models. I have recently taken on a workshop in Woodford Halse for bigger jobs & we offer col...

4 Reviews

Garage serving Northampton, 12 years of experience

Over 12 years top flight racing/motorsport experience for both of our enthusiastic directors, as well as multiple years of road car and classic vehicle restoration under their belts!

583 Reviews

Garage serving Northampton, 24 years of experience

I began my mechanical career with Peugeot/Citroen where I completed my full apprenticeship and spent 4 years there. I moved to work with Renault for around 3 years before moving to VW/Audi for 4 years. I rel...

210 Reviews

Garage serving Northampton, 25 years of experience

Hi and Welcome to East Midlands Auto - Highly sought after 'Approved Service & Repair Centre' Renowned for for high Customer Service throughout the car Industry. Offering Main Dealer Service - Not Main Dea...

75 Reviews

Garage serving Northampton, 20 years of experience

Ashley owns and runs Fergussons mobile mechanics. Prior to this Ashley had his own business for 20 years. At the garage the team consists of around 3 mechanics who will complete the work in-house who are all...

151 Reviews

Garage serving Northampton, 20 years of experience

Brought up around cars and vintage machinery from a young age, My interest in Classic cars was apparent early on, After leaving school early I Started off as a apprentice at Paul Marshall Bodyshop in Beccles...

224 Reviews

Mobile mechanic serving Northampton, 20 years of experience

We have been in the automotive industry for about 20 years. -We are providing 100% mobile services. -high-end diagnostic equipment -servicing -maintenance -coding, programming -dpf, AdBlue specialist...

How much does a car service cost in Northampton?

The average cost of a car service in Northampton varies between £150 and £178, depending on your car's make and model. See the averages for different makes below. We consolidate industry standard data with millions of data points to give you the most accurate price.

These estimates may include Fuel filter, Engine oil, Air filter element, Engine oil filter, Pollen filter element, Spark plug, Engine oil, Engine oil filter, Air filter element, Engine oil filter and/or Engine oil.

Estimates on average servicing costs, such as the above results for a car service , are based on ClickMechanic's quote data which combines multiple third-party sources. Actual costs may vary. We provide estimates on average servicing costs for information only and accept no liability for any inaccuracies or errors. If you think an estimate is incorrect, please contact us to let us know.

What car services do Clickmechanic offer?

We offer three different types of service in Northampton: interim service, full service and major service.

The most popular car service booking in Northampton is a Major service for Kia, Audi, and BMW.

What is the difference between the different types of service?

The main difference between the car services offered in Northampton is the number of checks performed.

The Interim Service is a lighter variation of a Full Car Service. When booking an Interim Service in Northampton, your car undergoes many of the checks carried out during a Full Service. As mentioned this is a lighter version, and therefore does not include much of the more detailed inspections like checks on the auxiliary drive belt, battery level and air filter checks.

Our Full Car Service is a series of comprehensive tests on both the inside and outside of the car. It includes fluid checks as well as oil changes. The Northampton mechanic performing the full service will also run an extensive investigation of what is going on under the bonnet.

If you book our Major Car Service in Northampton, your car will undergo all the checks of the Full Car Service, and in addition the mechanic will replace your pollen filter and spark plugs (if a petrol engine). We recommend a Major Car Service at least every two years, however many vehicles will need a full service more frequently.

What happens during a car service?

If you have a car service in Northampton booked via the ClickMechanic platform, a vetted mechanic servicing Northampton will inspect the car. Depending on the type of car service booked (interim, full or major service) he will spend up to 2 hours inspecting your vehicle and replacing filters and fluids (subject to service type booked)

You can have your car serviced at a location of your choice in Northampton, for example on your drive or the car park at your place of work. As we work with mobile mechanics who come to you, there is no need to drop your car off at a garage.

I have booked a car service in Northampton - do I have to be present?

No, there is no need for you to be present during the service so you can go on with your day. Once the mechanic has completed the service, they will sign or stamp the service book.

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