Mitsubishi Car Servicing made easy

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Expert Mitsubishi Mechanics


Total expert Mitsubishi car service mechanics

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Top Mechanics For Mitsubishi Car Services

101 Reviews

Garage in Birmingham, 7 years of experience

Worked in an independent garage for 5 years Currently self-employed Can take on following jobs: - Timing belts/ timing chains - Clutch installation - Diagnostics - Engine work - Suspension wo...

34 Reviews

Garage in Leeds, 19 years of experience

I’m 37 years old and I have nearly 20 years experience for all type of car! I been worked for an independent garage for 12 years, and also worked a many years for MOT base! Now I do my own mobile car and ...

63 Reviews

Mobile mechanic in Sunbury-On-Thames, 12 years of experience

I have been working on cars from young age with my dad and my uncle. The automotive industry became my passion. I have studied and gained my work experience with ford approved garage and a Renault approved g...

583 Reviews

Garage in Stevenage, 24 years of experience

I began my mechanical career with Peugeot/Citroen where I completed my full apprenticeship and spent 4 years there. I moved to work with Renault for around 3 years before moving to VW/Audi for 4 years. I rel...

89 Reviews

Garage in Harrogate, 17 years of experience

Deal with all car repairs and maintenance, based in Harrogate. Multiple years of experience.

324 Reviews

Mobile mechanic in Peterborough, 19 years of experience

Mobile vehicle services across a wide range of vehicles. 19 years experience in the trade and main dealer experience. Everything from brakes and servicing to clutches and vehicle diagnostics

154 Reviews

Garage in Ulcombe, 25 years of experience

We fit tyres at our work place or we can offer a mobile call out service. Also we offer a mobile mechanic service, This may be a simple diagnostic or mechanic work carried out at the road side, we can pic...

137 Reviews

Mobile mechanic in Stoke-On-Trent, 5 years of experience

As an independent mechanic always aim for the best, always happy to go the extra mile for all our customers.

51 Reviews

Garage in Slough, 9 years of experience

I am a diagnostic technician and an MOT tester. I have 7 years of MOT license and have worked with cars of all makes and models initial jobs, such as servicing, finding faults on electric, suspension, exhaus...

82 Reviews

Garage in Thornton Heath, 20 years of experience

I am a highly experienced mechanic with over 20 years in the field, specializing in a wide range of vehicle repairs. As a qualified MOT tester, I handle Class IV and VII MOTs, as well as servicing and diagno...

18 Reviews

Garage in Rochester Me3 7ja, 20 years of experience

Been in the Motor trade since 1998 and have taken all my experiences from working for Mercedes, BMW and Ford to make sure I offer main dealer levels of customer service. Collection and delivery same day if ...

93 Reviews

Garage in Huddersfield , 9 years of experience

I am a fully qualified Volkswagen technician, this is where I carried out my apprenticeship when I was training to be a technician, I then moved into many independent garages to get experience on all makes a...

184 Reviews

Garage in Newcastle Upon Tyne , 20 years of experience

Welcome to Miah Automotive, where automotive excellence meets dedicated service. Our skilled technicians bring years of expertise to every job, ensuring your vehicle receives the care it deserves. From routi...


13 Reviews

Garage in Weston-Super-Mare, 16 years of experience

Experience automotive mechanic with knack for problem solving with 16 years of experience on maintenance, diagnostics, repairs, servicing and research for issues on auto electrics

How much does a Mitsubishi car service cost?

The cost for a Mitsubishi car service depends on the model of your Mitsubishi. See the averages for different models below. We use industry standard data & millions of data points so you know what you should be paying.

These estimates may include Fuel filter, Engine oil, Air filter element, Engine oil filter, Pollen filter element, Spark plug, Engine oil, Engine oil filter, Air filter element, Engine oil filter and/or Engine oil.

Name Average Cost
Mitsubishi 3000 GT £177 Get exact price
Mitsubishi ASX £181 Get exact price
Mitsubishi Carisma £153 Get exact price
Mitsubishi Challenger £193 Get exact price
Mitsubishi Colt £144 Get exact price
Mitsubishi Colt Cabriolet £228 Get exact price
Mitsubishi Colt Space Star £161 Get exact price
Mitsubishi Galant £244 Get exact price
Mitsubishi Grandis £200 Get exact price
Mitsubishi L200 £204 Get exact price
Mitsubishi L300 £172 Get exact price
Mitsubishi Lancer £175 Get exact price
Mitsubishi Mirage £136 Get exact price
Mitsubishi Outlander £189 Get exact price
Mitsubishi Shogun £210 Get exact price
Mitsubishi Shogun Pinin £227 Get exact price
Mitsubishi Shogun Sport £199 Get exact price
Mitsubishi Space Star £132 Get exact price
Mitsubishi Space Wagon £206 Get exact price

Average costs for 8 models not shown due to insufficient data. Show ∨

  • Mitsubishi i
  • Mitsubishi Space Runner
  • Mitsubishi Eclipse
  • Mitsubishi Santamo
  • Mitsubishi Galloper
  • Mitsubishi Canter
  • Mitsubishi Space Gear
  • Mitsubishi L400

Estimates on average servicing costs, such as the above results for a car service , are based on ClickMechanic's quote data which combines multiple third-party sources. Actual costs may vary. We provide estimates on average servicing costs for information only and accept no liability for any inaccuracies or errors. If you think an estimate is incorrect, please contact us to let us know.

What car services does ClickMechanic offer?

We offer three different types of services for Mitsubishis: interim service, full service and major service. Mechanics in our network have performed 400 interim services, 223 full services and 413 major services on cars like yours.

What is the difference between the different types of service?

The main difference between the car services offered for Mitsubishis is the number of checks performed on the vehicle.

The most lightweight car service for Mitsubishis is the interim service. The check includes 50 points which the mechanic will investigate.

The next level is the full car service, which is a series of more comprehensive tests. Our Mitsubishi full service is a 70-point maintenance check on the inside and outside of your car. It additionally includes fluid checks (brakes, steering, battery transfer box and transmission) and top ups, i.e. for screen wash and antifreeze as well as oil changes.

The most comprehensive car service you can book for your Mitsubishi is the Major Car Service. It is also the most intense series of service checks, during which your car will undergo all the checks of the full car service plus replacing your pollen filter and spark plugs. We recommend having a major car service performed on your Mitsubishi at least every two years, however many vehicles will need a full service more frequently.

Please make sure to check your car owner’s manual for recommended service schedules for your Mitsubishi.

What happens during a car service and how long does it take?

We work with mobile mechanics who come to you, there is no need to drop your car off at a garage to have your Mitsubishi serviced. Depending on the type of car service booked (interim, full or major service) the mechanic will spend up to 2 hours inspecting your vehicle and replacing filters and fluids (subject to service type booked). Once the mechanic completed the service on your car, they will stamp or sign the service book.

I have booked a car service for my Mitsubishi - do I have to be present?

No, there is no need for you to be present when the mechanic performs their checks and services on your Mitsubishi. Many of our customers highly value this as it means they can go on with their day uninterrupted.

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