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Top Mechanics For Clutch And Transmission Inspection, Repair & Replacements in Milton Keynes

387 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 25 years of experience

We are a small family run business and understand how important it is for you to have a safe vehicle for you to travel to work, school and for personal reasons. We can come to you at home or work at a time ...

94 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 16 years of experience

I began my career with an independent garage called Phoenix Autos in Oxford where I completed my apprenticeship. Following Phoenix I went on to work for a few other independent garages to gain more experienc...

105 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 10 years of experience

I began my career through Mercedes Benz where I was for 1 year before moving the to AA for a year and onto OnTime Recovery Services for 2 years. In 2010 I took the decision after getting great previous exper...

52 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 10 years of experience

we carry out Mot tests on site. Mot failure repairs.body works.air conditioning. welding. exhaust. clutches. suspensions. brakes

17 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 10 years of experience

Welcome to Euro Auto Services, your all-year-round MOT testing and servicing station in Bletchley, Milton Keynes for all manufacturers and models of car. When you bring your vehicle into Euro Auto Services y...

53 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 30 years of experience

I started working on cars with my father (who is a elctro/mechanical engineer) at age 11. When I left school I did an apprenticeship with Ford and worked with Ford for six years. I then moved onto an indepen...

274 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 24 years of experience

I have over 25 years experience in the industry as well as 17 years in the main dealer. Mobile clutch repair uses fully qualified and certified technicians to ensure our workmanship remains the best quality ...

12 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 15 years of experience

I did 3 years mobile mechanic in the beginning. Then been working in a garage at Barton Road since 2015. I am quite good with electrical diagnostics and mechanical diagnostics. We have an MOT statio...

287 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 7 years of experience

Clutch,diagnostic,brakes,servicing,timing belt and chain,all mechanical jobs,mot’s

32 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 10 years of experience

With Main Dealer trained mechanics and over 60+ years of experience between us, we here at GP Auto’s offer our customer excellent rates on all vehicle servicing and repairs. Combined with our friendly atmosp...

112 Reviews

Mobile mechanic serving Milton Keynes, 16 years of experience

Worked on cars since i left college worked in most of my local garages up until Covid when I got laid off so did the best decision in my life and became a mobile mechanic and things have great since so looki...

33 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 15 years of experience

I have 15 years on working with cars, motorbikes and commercial commercials vehicles. Some of the services I offer include, mobile mechanic service, diagnostic, service, brakes, suspension, exhaust systems, ...

78 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 6 years of experience

We are a race team at heart and do hi-spec race car builds. We also like to see people get the same level of attention to detail on there road cars. From low end to high end you will receive the same level o...

138 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 9 years of experience

Qualified mobile mechanic with 9 years of experience working on various makes and models of cars. Specialising in VW/Audi brand

35 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 25 years of experience

Our family business has been involved in the parts industry all the way from Tanzania, East Africa. Our grandfather started the business which has flourished ever since. Masumin Motor Spares, the latest b...

Frequently asked questions about clutch and transmission inspection, repair & replacements in Milton Keynes

Read our answers to questions about clutch and transmission inspection, repair & replacement costs, symptoms and more.

Can Milton Keynes garages offer home collection and delivery for car transmission inspection, repair & replacement?

Yes, many garages in Milton Keynes are able to offer collection and delivery for a car transmission inspection, repair & replacement. With ClickMechanic collection & delivery is free if your vehicle is drivable. Once booked a mechanic will pick up the vehicle on the day and time of your choice, do the work, and return the vehicle at a time convenient to you. Simply enter your vehicle registration number and postcode to get an upfront price for a car transmission inspection, repair & replacement in Milton Keynes.

Can Milton Keynes mobile mechanics do car transmission inspection, repair & replacement at my home or office?

Typically no, Milton Keynes mobile mechanics cannot do a car transmission repair or replacement at your home or office, because the repair may need to be carried out on a ramp, and may need specialist equipment. Also, the time involved to carry out the work may make it more practical to carry out the work at a garage. However, if there are still some doubts as to what repair is needed, mobile mechanics may be able to carry out a diagnostic inspection at your home or office and then take the car to a garage to carry out the car transmission repair or replacement.

How much does a clutch and transmission inspection, repair & replacement cost in Milton Keynes?

The average cost of a clutch and transmission inspection, repair & replacement in Milton Keynes varies between £468 and £583, depending on your car's make and model. See the averages for different makes below. We consolidate industry standard data with millions of data points to give you the most accurate price.

Estimates on average repair costs, such as the above results for a clutch and transmission inspection, repair & replacement, are based on ClickMechanic's quote data which combines multiple third-party sources. Actual costs may vary. We provide estimates on average repair costs for information only and accept no liability for any inaccuracies or errors. If you think an estimate is incorrect, please contact us to let us know.

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