Book Car Suspension inspection, repair & replacement in Stoke On Trent

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Total expert car suspension inspection, repair & replacement mechanics operating in Stoke On Trent

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Total number of car suspension inspection, repair & replacement reviews in Stoke On Trent

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Average user rating for car suspension inspection, repair & replacement bookings in Stoke On Trent

Top Mechanics For Car Suspension Inspection, Repair & Replacements in Stoke On Trent

66 Reviews

Garage in Stoke On Trent, 9 years of experience

Working in the trade since I was just 16 I have gained the qualifications and the experience that is needed to assist with your vehicle needs.

1 Reviews

Garage in Stoke On Trent, 30 years of experience

DB Autos provides quality garage services in Stoke on Trent including MOT testing, car servicing and vehicle repairs on all makes and models. Professional, friendly and efficient, our garage is a local garag...

40 Reviews

Garage serving Stoke On Trent, 10 years of experience

MOT I SERVICE I REPAIRS Keeping you Safe behind the wheel S B Autos is a trusted Car Repair Service and MOT station, we are delivering an outstanding car services to the people of Leek and surrounding...

204 Reviews

Garage serving Stoke On Trent, 10 years of experience

Mobile mechanic based in Winsford With over 10 years experience + working on your car at work or home to make your life easier

359 Reviews

Mobile mechanic serving Stoke On Trent, 10 years of experience

Ive been a mechanic for 10 years im hybrid trained and level 3 trained technician ive worked for a major leading company and decided to run my own business im also mot trained so have a good understanding of...

30 Reviews

Mobile mechanic serving Stoke On Trent, 37 years of experience

I started my career completing my mechanical qualifications in 1982 and started off working in an agri-engineering business. In 1989 when I became fully qualified I worked in a garage in Wallingford for arou...

1575 Reviews

Garage serving Stoke On Trent, 14 years of experience

I started my apprenticeship when I left school at the age of 15. I’ve been fully qualified for 11+ years with NVQ level 1, 2 and 3. I’ve been an MOT tester for 10 years. Here at Jamie’s mobile mechanic w...

152 Reviews

Garage serving Stoke On Trent, 19 years of experience

At J Delaney Mobile Mechanic we have 19 years experience working on all makes and models we do everything from a diagnostics inspection to clutch jobs mobile.

8 Reviews

Garage serving Stoke On Trent, 23 years of experience

We are CSC Cars LTD based in Nantwich Cheshire. I have been in the motor trade for 23 years now and have a vast amount of experience within the service and sales side. I have an oustanding reputation within ...

27 Reviews

Garage serving Stoke On Trent, 10 years of experience

We have experience in: Cars Vans Hgv Plant equipment. Here at mortimers transport we offer mobile vehicle repairs on your home, driveway at work or on site. We also have a garage for the more garage b...

61 Reviews

Garage serving Stoke On Trent, 13 years of experience

I have over 10 years experience in the mechnaic trade and began as a mechanic completing my apprenticeship at a local garage called A&J Bettley in Winsford and worked there for around 7 years, whilst I was w...

163 Reviews

Garage serving Stoke On Trent, 20 years of experience

I have 20 years experience in the auto repair industry which started with my apprenticeship at an independent. Having completed my apprenticeship I then went onto work for a number of other independents befo...

187 Reviews

Garage serving Stoke On Trent, 30 years of experience

30 years experience working for independent garages. Ten years working for myself. Working on all makes of car’s From Brake pads to Engine rebuilds.

Frequently asked questions about car suspension inspection, repair & replacements in Stoke On Trent

Read our answers to questions about car suspension inspection, repair & replacement costs, symptoms and more.

Can Stoke On Trent garages offer home collection and delivery for car suspension inspection, repair & replacement?

Yes, many garages in Stoke On Trent are able to offer collection and delivery for a car suspension inspection, repair & replacement. With ClickMechanic collection & delivery is free if your vehicle is drivable. Once booked a mechanic will pick up the vehicle on the day and time of your choice, do the work, and return the vehicle at a time convenient to you. Simply enter your vehicle registration number and postcode to get an upfront price for a car suspension inspection, repair & replacement in Stoke On Trent.

Can Stoke On Trent mobile mechanics do car suspension inspection, repair & replacement at my home or office?

Yes, Stoke On Trent mobile mechanics can do a car suspension inspection, repair & replacement at your home or office, provided there is a safe and sufficient space to conduct the repair or replacement. With ClickMechanic, once booked for a date and time of your choice, your booking will be offered to vetted mobile mechanics in your area.

How much does a car suspension inspection, repair & replacement cost in Stoke On Trent?

The average cost of a car suspension inspection, repair & replacement in Stoke On Trent varies between £154 and £218, depending on your car's make and model. See the averages for different makes below. We consolidate industry standard data with millions of data points to give you the most accurate price.

Estimates on average repair costs, such as the above results for a car suspension inspection, repair & replacement, are based on ClickMechanic's quote data which combines multiple third-party sources. Actual costs may vary. We provide estimates on average repair costs for information only and accept no liability for any inaccuracies or errors. If you think an estimate is incorrect, please contact us to let us know.

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