Book Clutch and Transmission inspection, repair & replacement in Coventry

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Total expert clutch and transmission inspection, repair & replacement mechanics operating in Coventry

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Top Mechanics For Clutch And Transmission Inspection, Repair & Replacements in Coventry

43 Reviews

Garage in Coventry, 10 years of experience

Welcome to KZ Autos Ltd in Coventry, Warwickshire. As an independent garage we pride ourselves on friendly customer service with great experience. Started my career as an apprentice technician at Peuge...

35 Reviews

Garage in Coventry, 10 years of experience

Hello, my name is Tas. I opened up my own garage early this year after gaining years of experience and having a long history of working within main dealers and well known body shops in the past I decided ...

9 Reviews

Garage in Coventry, 13 years of experience

* 11 years independent garage experience * 1 year dealership experience * 1 year self-employed and counting I've work on all makes and models from services to full engine rebulids and manged garages ...

273 Reviews

Mobile mechanic in Coventry, 14 years of experience

Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Combined. Mechanic level 2 Stratford College. London. Auto electrician Diagnosis. Alison Graduate. Ford Dagenham London. Auto windscreen coventry. Auto windscreen electricia...

182 Reviews

Garage serving Coventry, 30 years of experience

30 years experience working for independent garages. Ten years working for myself. Working on all makes of car’s From Brake pads to Engine rebuilds.

86 Reviews

Garage serving Coventry, 20 years of experience

Hi, my name is marcus. I am a highly qualified mechanic with over 15 years experience. I am friendly, polite, reliable and efficient. Your safety is of the utmost importance . I take pride in my work and ...

LESLEY, UK 8th June 2024

Hyundai i30 • Additional work following previous booking

51 Reviews

Garage serving Coventry, 5 years of experience

Jaguar Land Rover Engineering Mercedes-Benz BMW Classic Restoration

11 Reviews

Garage serving Coventry, 10 years of experience

Our trained technicians are fully equipped to provide you with on-site or location-based vehicle repairs, servicing, and maintenance. You can trust us to take care of all your automotive needs with confidenc...

223 Reviews

Garage serving Coventry, 11 years of experience

I have 11 years' experience working on cars. I am able to do all the repairs you need doing including, inspections, servicing, brakes, suspension, clutches, and much more. We have a garage that you can bring...

69 Reviews

Garage serving Coventry, 19 years of experience

We are an independent mobile vehicle maintenance company based in the Midlands. All of our staff from director down to technician are qualified and have many years experience in the transport industry. If it...

16 Reviews

Garage serving Coventry, 10 years of experience

6 years of experience working for car dealerships 4 years of experience working as a contractor for Jaguar Land Rover, Bentley, Rolls Royce, and Aston Martin as a Master technician

634 Reviews

Garage serving Coventry, 10 years of experience

I am a diagnostic technician, qualified MOT tester, Institute of Motor Industry assesor and general mechanic following my father's footsteps who has over 40 years experience in the trade. Having completed my...

30 Reviews

Garage serving Coventry, 30 years of experience

I first qualified as a mechanic back in the 80s working for different people i now have a fully functioning work shop if you wish please view my facebook page cm autos for customer feedback

324 Reviews

Garage serving Coventry, 15 years of experience

I gained my NVQ level 1&2 qualifications through City College Birmingham. Since gaining my qualifications I have always been self employed and initially I contracted for various garages around Birmingham for...

490 Reviews

Mobile mechanic serving Coventry, 20 years of experience

I began my career with Formula 1 Auto Centres as a tyre & exhaust fitter for around 1 year. I wanted to gain my proper qualifications so I studied at college to gain my NVQ Level 2 and 3 and subsequently I...

Frequently asked questions about clutch and transmission inspection, repair & replacements in Coventry

Read our answers to questions about clutch and transmission inspection, repair & replacement costs, symptoms and more.

Can Coventry garages offer home collection and delivery for car transmission inspection, repair & replacement?

Yes, many garages in Coventry are able to offer collection and delivery for a car transmission inspection, repair & replacement. With ClickMechanic collection & delivery is free if your vehicle is drivable. Once booked a mechanic will pick up the vehicle on the day and time of your choice, do the work, and return the vehicle at a time convenient to you. Simply enter your vehicle registration number and postcode to get an upfront price for a car transmission inspection, repair & replacement in Coventry.

Can Coventry mobile mechanics do car transmission inspection, repair & replacement at my home or office?

Typically no, Coventry mobile mechanics cannot do a car transmission repair or replacement at your home or office, because the repair may need to be carried out on a ramp, and may need specialist equipment. Also, the time involved to carry out the work may make it more practical to carry out the work at a garage. However, if there are still some doubts as to what repair is needed, mobile mechanics may be able to carry out a diagnostic inspection at your home or office and then take the car to a garage to carry out the car transmission repair or replacement.

How much does a clutch and transmission inspection, repair & replacement cost in Coventry?

The average cost of a clutch and transmission inspection, repair & replacement in Coventry varies between £426 and £532, depending on your car's make and model. See the averages for different makes below. We consolidate industry standard data with millions of data points to give you the most accurate price.

Estimates on average repair costs, such as the above results for a clutch and transmission inspection, repair & replacement, are based on ClickMechanic's quote data which combines multiple third-party sources. Actual costs may vary. We provide estimates on average repair costs for information only and accept no liability for any inaccuracies or errors. If you think an estimate is incorrect, please contact us to let us know.

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