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Top Mechanics For Heating And Air Conditioning Inspection, Repair & Replacements in Milton Keynes

111 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 9 years of experience

No job is too big if you have the knowledge about it. I started my career in 2015. Offer mechanical and electrical diagnostics and repair. I mostly specialise in VAG group. As an independent business previou...

583 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 24 years of experience

I began my mechanical career with Peugeot/Citroen where I completed my full apprenticeship and spent 4 years there. I moved to work with Renault for around 3 years before moving to VW/Audi for 4 years. I rel...

105 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 10 years of experience

I began my career through Mercedes Benz where I was for 1 year before moving the to AA for a year and onto OnTime Recovery Services for 2 years. In 2010 I took the decision after getting great previous exper...

386 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 25 years of experience

We are a small family run business and understand how important it is for you to have a safe vehicle for you to travel to work, school and for personal reasons. We can come to you at home or work at a time ...

12 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 15 years of experience

I did 3 years mobile mechanic in the beginning. Then been working in a garage at Barton Road since 2015. I am quite good with electrical diagnostics and mechanical diagnostics. We have an MOT statio...

151 Reviews

Mobile mechanic serving Milton Keynes, 16 years of experience

Been working in garages for 16 years. The last year been doing mobile mechanics. I love taking on new challenges and getting stuck in. I offer a wide range of repairs including diagnostics, servicing, brake...

123 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 12 years of experience

I've been in the trade for 12 years and in that time i have worked at main dealers carrying out Diagnostic work as well as repairs of all sorts by following the main dealer expectations. I have also had expe...

78 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 36 years of experience

I spent the first 7 years of my career building vehicles from ground upwards including replica vintage taxis and helping the customers keep them road worthy and doing on site repairs when needed. I then mov...

308 Reviews

Mobile mechanic serving Milton Keynes, 10 years of experience

Hi I’m Michal. I've been doing cars for about 10 years specifically for Vehicle Mechanical, Electrical and Trim (MET) Technician last 2.5 years. Had lots of training in recent VW group technology so that’...

151 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 27 years of experience

I began my career when I was 17 in an independent garage and gained experience and then I worked in main dealerships for a period of time working with BMW, VW & Ford to name a few. I also worked with the AA ...

66 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 15 years of experience

Fully Qualified Motor Mechanic 16 years Experience in Mechanical and Repair Hi my name is Louis and i am happy to help with all types of car/van problems My services include Sevicing Diagnostic...

614 Reviews

Garage serving Milton Keynes, 45 years of experience

I started out in a VW franchise dealer in 1997 undertaking my apprenticeship. Having spent 4 years there I moved onto a more senior role at another VW franchise dealership where I spent another 3 years. Foll...

13 Reviews

Mobile mechanic serving Milton Keynes, 10 years of experience

I've worked in the motor trade since I was 18 and have experience off all makes of vehicles including classics and commercial. I'm a qualified BMW and Mini technician and spent most of my career with the ...

Frequently asked questions about heating and air conditioning inspection, repair & replacements in Milton Keynes

Read our answers to questions about heating and air conditioning inspection, repair & replacement costs, symptoms and more.

Can Milton Keynes garages offer home collection and delivery for heating and air conditioning inspection, repair & replacement?

Yes, many garages in Milton Keynes are able to offer collection and delivery for a heating and air conditioning inspection, repair & replacement. With ClickMechanic collection & delivery is free if your vehicle is drivable. Once booked a mechanic will pick up the vehicle on the day and time of your choice, do the work, and return the vehicle at a time convenient to you. Simply enter your vehicle registration number and postcode to get an upfront price for a heating and air conditioning inspection, repair & replacement in Milton Keynes.

Can Milton Keynes mobile mechanics do heating and air conditioning inspection, repair & replacement at my home or office?

Yes, Milton Keynes mobile mechanics can do a heating and air conditioning inspection, repair & replacement at your home or office, provided there is a safe and sufficient space to conduct the repair or replacement. With ClickMechanic, once booked for a date and time of your choice, your booking will be offered to vetted mobile mechanics in your area.

How much does a heating and air conditioning inspection, repair & replacement cost in Milton Keynes?

The average cost of a heating and air conditioning inspection, repair & replacement in Milton Keynes varies between £252 and £363, depending on your car's make and model. See the averages for different makes below. We consolidate industry standard data with millions of data points to give you the most accurate price.

These estimates may include AC drive belt/s, Air filter element, Engine coolant/antifreeze, Heater matrix and/or Heater blower motor.

Estimates on average repair costs, such as the above results for a heating and air conditioning inspection, repair & replacement, are based on ClickMechanic's quote data which combines multiple third-party sources. Actual costs may vary. We provide estimates on average repair costs for information only and accept no liability for any inaccuracies or errors. If you think an estimate is incorrect, please contact us to let us know.

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