Book Heating and Air Conditioning inspection, repair & replacement in Southampton

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Top Mechanics For Heating And Air Conditioning Inspection, Repair & Replacements in Southampton

48 Reviews

Garage in Southampton, 20 years of experience

I have been in the motor trade for 25 years, I am Running a Family Business For a While now. I'm able to collect your vehicle if it is drivable or not to be repaired at the garage . Some of the services I of...

485 Reviews

Garage in Southampton, 20 years of experience

I began my career as a mechanic when I was 17 years old in Portugal. When I was 22 years old I set-up my own garage in for around 7 years before moving to the UK in 2007. I worked in various garages in order...

69 Reviews

Garage in Southampton, 20 years of experience

Hi I’m Pete I’m a fully qualified mechanic, have been in the motor trade for 20 years. I am reliable and hard working, I can offer free collection and delivery I can offer MOT's, all services and repairs, cl...

107 Reviews

Garage in Southampton, 11 years of experience

I began my career with Cross Autos in Southampton and spent all of my career there to date and that was for around 11 years. In 2016 I set-up my own mobile mechanic business called LC Diagnostic & Repair. Th...

13 Reviews

Garage serving Southampton, 40 years of experience

I’ve worked as a mechanic for 40 years at many independent and main dealer garages such as Fiat and Renault. Over the years I’ve collected all types of tools to make the work easier for me.

GARY, HANTS 4th October 2024

BMW 5 Series • Additional work following previous booking

146 Reviews

Garage serving Southampton, 40 years of experience

Are you looking for a well established and reliable company that can provide car servicing and repairs in Wickham? If you need help with your vehicle, look no further than Southwick Road Motor Repairs. We...

126 Reviews

Garage serving Southampton, 13 years of experience

Antony - Mechanic for 13 years - MOT tester - Main dealership certificated As a master technician - Trained in technical diagnostic equipment. And electrical diagnostics Our aim is to give you the best...

138 Reviews

Garage serving Southampton, 21 years of experience

Over the years I have worked in various garages, carrying out mechanical repairs, including, servicing, general repairs, mot repair, cambelts/timing chains, clutches, head gaskets, engine replacements etc I ...

165 Reviews

Mobile mechanic serving Southampton, 12 years of experience

I started my career in HM Armed forces joining the REME, where I served for 7 years. From there I worked for Mercedes-Benz for 4 years. And now I do all sorts, if it’s got wheels, I can fix it!

307 Reviews

Garage serving Southampton, 8 years of experience

Welcome to AIC Maintenance Group - We Offer a Specialist Mobile Mechanic Service at your home or work place throughout West Sussex, Hampshire & Surrey Are you looking for a professional car mechanic who can...

163 Reviews

Garage serving Southampton, 15 years of experience

Here at CK Mobile Mechanics we believe in a no nonsense aproach to vehicle repair and servicing, Keeping downtime to a minimum and keeping your wheels turning. As we offer a fully mobile service, we are a...

190 Reviews

Garage serving Southampton, 15 years of experience

Three years' work experience within a family run garage and 13 years' work experience as a freelance Mobile Mechanic in Fareham and surrounding areas.

289 Reviews

Mobile mechanic serving Southampton, 24 years of experience

Edward Hunt is currently ranked Number 1 in the UK & Ireland according to the League of True Mechanics having won the National competition & held the title an impressive 3 years running, each time after com...

159 Reviews

Mobile mechanic serving Southampton, 32 years of experience

Worked at at Bmw and Ford Specialist on Fords and BMW Diagnostics Specialist Worked at Met Police Workshop Worked along side London Ambulance Service supporting vehicle maintenance during lockdown F...

32 Reviews

Garage serving Southampton, years of experience

Based in Portsmouth we have 2 units 1 offering full mechanical and servicing and the other offering in house custom ecu remapping , we have a 4ton lift in unit 6 and a 1500bhp rolling road in unit 7 , we are...

Frequently asked questions about heating and air conditioning inspection, repair & replacements in Southampton

Read our answers to questions about heating and air conditioning inspection, repair & replacement costs, symptoms and more.

Can Southampton garages offer home collection and delivery for heating and air conditioning inspection, repair & replacement?

Yes, many garages in Southampton are able to offer collection and delivery for a heating and air conditioning inspection, repair & replacement. With ClickMechanic collection & delivery is free if your vehicle is drivable. Once booked a mechanic will pick up the vehicle on the day and time of your choice, do the work, and return the vehicle at a time convenient to you. Simply enter your vehicle registration number and postcode to get an upfront price for a heating and air conditioning inspection, repair & replacement in Southampton.

Can Southampton mobile mechanics do heating and air conditioning inspection, repair & replacement at my home or office?

Yes, Southampton mobile mechanics can do a heating and air conditioning inspection, repair & replacement at your home or office, provided there is a safe and sufficient space to conduct the repair or replacement. With ClickMechanic, once booked for a date and time of your choice, your booking will be offered to vetted mobile mechanics in your area.

How much does a heating and air conditioning inspection, repair & replacement cost in Southampton?

The average cost of a heating and air conditioning inspection, repair & replacement in Southampton varies between £247 and £358, depending on your car's make and model. See the averages for different makes below. We consolidate industry standard data with millions of data points to give you the most accurate price.

These estimates may include AC drive belt/s, Air filter element, Engine coolant/antifreeze, Heater matrix and/or Heater blower motor.

Estimates on average repair costs, such as the above results for a heating and air conditioning inspection, repair & replacement, are based on ClickMechanic's quote data which combines multiple third-party sources. Actual costs may vary. We provide estimates on average repair costs for information only and accept no liability for any inaccuracies or errors. If you think an estimate is incorrect, please contact us to let us know.

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